Tuesday 3 August 2010

Jess Quixote and Merlinante?

Proven 15 kW turbine (15 m mast), Caplor Farm

It would be very neat if I was undertaking this trip on horseback. I have a horse. He is grey (white). I am a slightly eccentric zealot. And I'm about to set off on a trip to and between massive windmills. Beyond this the comparison doesn't fit: I love wind turbines and I don't want to joust with them. But I am interested in getting a balanced perspective (beyond my weirdly visceral excitement about turbines; probably Freudian) on what they mean about our attachment to landscape and our acceptance of change as our climate changes around us. So if anything, I'm more the Sancho Panza of this operation. And beautiful sleek pure-bred Arab Merlin would be somewhat resentful of comparisons to battle-weary Rosinante. So, this time at least, I'm going on foot....

who are you calling Rosinante?


  1. beautiful horse, is it merlin (how is written again in welsh?) ... when exactly do you start your journey? To start at CAT is genius we've been there in September 2008, I really loved it ... say my greetings to it ;o)

    Some thoughts about windmills and landscape (my own):
    I really like this technology or architecture in the landscape - I think is one of the first technologies, big one's, that comforts me because I know that it is for producing save energy ... also it really suits the landscape (in my eyes) ...it is also for me a kind of an abstract shape in the landscape which is absolutely fine (sure and honest, I support the renewable energy technology at a certain point) .... if you would compare it to power-plants ...hm, does that suit the landscape and why more than the windmills? I've never received an answer on this question ... why, I think it has to do with emotional things and maybe to follow the pathways of Don Quichotte and it's fears etc... might be an answer to it .... I mean the atomic power-plant is the most dangerous technology-"thing" we got on earth, made by men (to point this out ;0) ..), and I'm not talking about the waste, so why do some people preferred such a technology to windmills? Maybe you'll find more about this ...another interesting thing is about birds. I came across many "negative" comments on windmills because it would do harm to birds: crashing into or / and being disturbed ... I never had the experience of that and it is yet not proven. Sure it might happen that birds could or would crash into it, as with other high buildings or with airplanes ... or the electricity high voltage cable "in the air" ... but I can't imagine that this would occur so often that it would harm a population or even a specie ...if it happens it can be that the bird wasn't healthy or disturbed by "electro-smog", which would come from other sources. So that means you would also find a community amongst the "nature-preservers" who could be against it because of a kind of a (this is my own opinion) conservative hold of the landscape or protection of the landscape that doesn't take at all the actual and contemporary thinking of the landscape and the protection of the environment in account (even the ecologist idea are not taken in account) ... so that makes it again quite difficult .... these are my thoughts, just for the beginning ... next time more and something different ... xx nathalie

  2. Hi Nathalie! Yes, this is Merlin (Myrddin in Welsh; it's coincidental but he happens to come from Camarthen (not far from Simon's) which is Caerfyrddin in Welsh - the fort of Merlin) he is indeed very beautiful (if a little summer-plump in this photo!)

    Thank you so much for your wonderful musings....very inspiring and really good to have the perspective of an urban ecologist and someone who is passionate about nature conservation but in realistic terms - that our landscapes will change as our lives, by necessity, do

    Will keep you posted :)

  3. Gorgeous picture of Merlin, Jess. I don't want to detract from what is really quite a serious subject but did you know that as well as including Sal and Harri in my story 'Dancing With Fate', I also feature Myrddin ab Morfryn no less. (Just thought I'd mention it.)

    Great to see Merlin looking so well. Wish the grass was as green for my two in my English exile! LOL

    Your walk sounds fantastic. Wish I could be with you.

  4. This is very nice and cool post tahsnk for this ..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
